Gain deeper insights for more informed decisions

Develop increased understanding of employee engagement, culture and people risks in advance of investment decisions. Reduce financial risks and maximise ROI through our due diligence and integration services.

Empowering you: improved decision making through increased understanding of key talent and people risks

Our due diligence services provide you deeper insight into the people-related risks, company culture, and employee engagement of target investments to enable investors to make more informed financial and commercial decisions.

On a completed deal, our research and other service offers empowers investors and management teams to develop and implement strategies to accelerate integration, mitigate people risks, retain critical talent and win the hearts and minds of the people impacted by the ownership change.

As an investor, armed with our insights, recommendations and support you can expedite the integration process, better manage risk and reducing the disruption of significant change.

Confident leader discussing business strategy with diverse team, fostering teamwork and creativity.

High-growth companies

M&A deals often fail to realize their expected returns due to cultural and integration issues, yet effective people due diligence is often overlooked in the investment/ acquisition decision making process.

People- and culture-related insights can play a pivotal role in testing and validating your investment hypothesis and understanding the integration challenge that may lie ahead.

Through the due diligence process we work with you to identify and assess these potential risks and to provide the insight you need to make appropriate commercial and financial financial decisions.

We assess performance, engagement, cultural and other areas of people-risk. In addition, we assess the potential challenges for a successful integration if the deal goes ahead and provide recommendations and support manage those challenges.

Mid-sized businesses

Our approach includes interviewing leaders and other key figures to gather vital information that will guide your investment or acquisition decision.

As part of the due diligence process, we identify potential issues that could influence your investment decision and integration strategy  and take a deeper dive into the current status of employment arrangements, employee data in order to provide guidance on what to discuss in your decision making and solutions to address potential issues.

Rear view of woman presenting new strategies to coworkers in office boardroom during project discussion.
Businesswoman leads meeting around table shot through door.

Large organisations

For larger organisations we focus on culture related issues can significantly impact integration success.

We help you understand differences between organisational cultures and create plans to maximize value, retain and motivate key talent and facilitate integration. 

Through due diligence we support your leadership, strategy and HR teams to better navigate, investment, acquisition and integration activities.

Maximising people value when ownership changes

Businesses are sold, invested in, and acquired every day. An effective due diligence process is core to achieving maximum ROI, ensuring a robust foundation for sound investment decisions, and long-term success. 

Through a series of observational reviews, interviews and discussions, explore key cultural, financial and legal risks associated with the target company investment we help you understand and manage key people risks and value drivers and support improved investment returns.

Book a call to learn more

Due diligence and integration support: a 3-step process

Male employee in video call with Indian colleague, seeking advice from mixed-race consultant on laptop conference.
Understand value and risks
Through interviews and observational reviews with senior leaders and key people, we identify potential issues risks and key talent to inform a potential decision.  
Business team discussing corporate assessment and financial success.
Report and recommendations
In our reports and recommendations we provide a comprehensive analysis of key people risks and opportunities, outlining key insights and approaches to manage them.
Office busy meeting colleagues corporate data concept.
Integration change management and support
In partnership with leadership teams, and using a variety of assessments, survey tools and facilitated interventions, we support you in your acquisition, investment, integration and change activities.

Let's talk business

Ready to maximise ROI through a meticulous due diligence process? Our consultants are here to empower you with the tools to help you make strong investment decisions and support you in your role as a board member. Get in touch today and let’s start shaping your future.