Assessments & surveys

 Measure your people experience: discover what drives engagement, culture and leader and manager effectiveness

For organisational insights on your culture and what creates and sustains the engagement of your people our standard and customisable tools provide you with detail and actionable areas of focus.

Build the future with
actionable people insights

In effective organisations, assessments and surveys have become instrumental in unpacking the intricate people dynamics that shape success.

Beyond basic data collection, these tools catalyse informed decision-making, strategy refinement, and the cultivation of activities that create a culture geared towards constant improvement.

By systematically collecting and analyzing feedback, businesses gain insights into individual, team and organisational dynamics and an understanding of strengths, areas for improvement, and emerging trends.

This knowledge enables organisations with their adaptability needed to not only survive but thrive in the rapidly evolving marketplace.

How assessments & surveys can
help your organisation

Harness insights for better decision making

We can all gather large amounts of data, the trick is understanding which to focus on. Through a series of proven frameworks and methodologies, our assessments and surveys provide in-depth people insights, expertly curated and supported by the latest industry practices. 

Our tools empower businesses to initiate change, backed by comprehensive data insights. You receive reports and recommendations, and we present the findings to your leadership teams and support you in implementing them to create the change you desire.

We measure insights across all areas so you can develop top talent, create outstanding employee experiences, and improve business outcomes.
Identify strengths and weaknesses
Pinpoint strengths in individuals, leaders and teams, and identify areas that need improvement for targeted development.
Strategic planning
Formulate effective strategies by understanding the current employee experience and anticipating the impact of future tre­nds.
Measurable outcomes
Track progress and measure the effectiveness of action plans, ensuring accountability and continual improvement.

Our assessments & surveys

360 assessments

For leadership effectiveness

360 assessments measure the practical actions and methods of leaders and managers in their roles to identify opportunities for development. These involve self-assessments by the individual and feedback from key stakeholders.

Leadership Effectiveness
Businessman managing tasks with DMS, filling online checklist and survey on laptop.
Businessman managing tasks with DMS, filling online checklist and survey on laptop.

180 assessments

For manager effectiveness

180 assessments also measure the practical actions and methods of leaders and managers in their roles to identify opportunities for development with the emphasis being on upwards feed back from direct reports.

Manager Effectiveness

Culture surveys

For culture assessment and alignment

Culture surveys measure current and aspired culture within the organisation to identify opportunities to evolve your culture as your strategy and operating environment change.

Culture Assessment & Improvement
HR using laptops for online employee assessment, including organizational metrics, recommendations, and personnel ratings.
Assessment evaluation measure analytics business technology concept.

Engagement assessment

For improved belonging, advocacy and commitment

Engagement measures the opportunity to understand how your people experience your organisation and what create or erodes their motivation to help you succeed.

Employee Engagement

Psychometric assessments

For team building and organisational design

Psychometric assessments help us understand individual preferences and motivators to support individual change and personal effectiveness. They align well with 360 surveys and enable more effective coaching.

Organisational Design
Task documentation checklist, business professionals with laptop, questionnaire, online survey, and exam with answer selection.

Unlock employee insights with a sample employee engagement report

We’ve made it even easier to unlock team insights.

Our employee experience survey and report offers detailed understanding of your teams and organisation, helping you identify trends and actionable opportunities for change.

Learn more about our engagement survey approach, design, analytics, insights and action planning. Get started now.

Increasing leadership efficacy: download a sample leadership self assessment report

Curious to find out where your leadership strengths lie? Our 180 and 360 assessments offer a short questionnaire, which offers a quick and insightful way for leaders to gauge their strengths and areas for growth.

Learn more about the surveys, where they focus, how we generate insights and support you and your teams to become more effective and adaptable managers.

Let's talk business

Ready to accelerate your journey to sustainable success? Our people consultants are here to empower you with the tools to help you reach your potential. Get in touch today and let’s start shaping your future.