People solutions for larger organisations

Successfully implement complex people & culture change

Support your department leaders in shaping highly functional teams with strategic people and culture change solutions.

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An objective viewpoint is crucial for large organisations

For large organisations committed to delivering complex and impactful change, a shift in culture is often needed. However, teams charged with supporting heads of functions to enable transformation, tend to have limited capabilities and capacity in-house. Making the perpetual challenge of resourcing and review cycles a barrier to progress.  

Significant shifts in employment trends and employee expectations require businesses to redefine who they are, what they offer to their people and how they engage with their clients. As change consultants people, we bring experience and objectivity to both support you and guide your actions to help you create sustainable change.

Corporate business challenges

Gain insights from our principal James Rutherford as he delves into the classic challenges large organisations face, and the strategies required to tackle them head on.

Asian colleagues discussing financial reports, analyzing profit charts at a table.
Mature Indian/Latin businessman CEO trader working on laptop in modern office, typing, smiling.


You oversee operations and support teams across the business, but when delivering complex and longer term strategies – capacity and capability gaps often emerge.

What you need is strategic support and change-leadership capability. We can help you implement a strategic change to create a thriving workforce and longer term success.

CPOs and people and culture teams

You’re working flat out to support various teams across the organisation.

But big change is afoot and there are demands on you to revisit and redesign some core HR practices. Sometimes, you just don’t have the internal capacity to give this the focus it needs.

We can work with you to create cohesive and effective solutions that deliver your change agenda and that requested by the leadership team. 

Smiling coach imparts wisdom to enthusiastic interns at a workshop.

Manager effectiveness

Strengthen your managers through a series of effective steps to drive team performance and engagement.

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Suited businessman confidently coaches team with flip chart at office workshop.

Leadership effectiveness

Create a tightly focused leadership team to build a robust culture and boost business performance and people outcomes.

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Culture assessment and improvement

Assess your company culture and implement practical and measurable changes that attract and retain talent.

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Organisational design

Identify the skills and the people to invest in for the future – and how to organise them for efficiency as the business evolves.

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Conference crowd watches speaker in auditorium. Business, ideas, education. Speaker interacts, raising hand.

Employee engagement

Gain a deeper understanding of the work environment and what’s most important to your employees, to provide insights into actions that retain staff and improve performance.

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Due diligence

For mergers and acquisitions, understand how to win the hearts and minds of employees, and get insights into the target company culture for maximum ROI.

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Influence organisation performance for sustainable success

Failing to create strategic people and culture change limits your ability to influence organisation performance. As strategic people and change consultants we work with you to create sustainable change through multiple points in your operations and systems.

We have helped countless organisations navigate change with well researched and practical strategies that deliver.

Culture Change at a Financial Institution

Uncover how we supported a large financial institution with mass culture change and organisational transformation following the Global Financial Crisis.

What our clients say

"James was a great partner and significant contributor to this key commercial activity. Essential to this was his ability to understand our changing business dynamics and the pressure points these were creating, develop multiple solutions to address those issues and then to work collaboratively with a wide stakeholder group to deliver them in a way that linked to existing people practices."
COO, Infrastructure
Carl thumbnail
"In 2022, we were exploring ways to refresh an annually delivered global development program for our junior talent. James proposed a new idea to partner with a third-party organisation he worked with (Excelerate Consulting), which would transform how we deliver the program by piloting a completely new way of learning fundamental skills and capabilities. James project managed the activity and co-delivered key parts of the program with Excelerate. James ensured that the content was fully aligned with all the other major contributors which resulted in a consistent and seamless participant experience. The program was successfully delivered and achieved great results. We received the most positive feedback that we have had for years. It was clear from the energy and connection in the room that the idea, the content, and the delivery all directly hit the mark and resonated with the participants. We had no hesitation in inviting RHR and Excelerate to facilitate the following year. Again, they helped us update the program to reflect changes in our strategy and business and generated enormously positive feedback from the participants for their facilitation skills and business knowledge.”
OD Manager, Investment Bank
Alex thmbnail
“We engaged Rutherford HR to help us develop the sales skills of a group of high potential employees in across the globe. Despite the multiple different views on the best approach, RHR was able to navigate our business model, build highly credible relationships with our senior people and design and deliver an excellent program that has created real value for the participants and our people. James was also very deliberate in working with members of my team, building their capability such that they would be able to lead and deliver it in future years.”
HRD Financial Services
Andrew thumbnail

Let's talk business

Ready to accelerate your journey to sustainable success? Our change consultants are here to empower you with the tools to help you reach your potential. Get in touch today and let’s start shaping your future.