Workshops and programmes

Achieve change with proven frameworks for success

Develop your people and create sustainable change with tailored workshops and programmes.

Workshops & programmes: why facilitating real change necessitates being targeted and systematic

To achieve your business strategy, your leaders, managers, teams and organisation need to evolve. Sometimes that requires new skills development, and at others a deeper behavioural shift – or support to actually understand how your strategy needs to shift.

Whatever change you aspire to, achieving it is never as simple as sharing an announcement. Facilitating change requires your people to understand the purpose behind the change, buy-into it logically and emotionally and the have support as they adapt to it.

Workshops are an effective tool to both define, plan, embed and support change across your organisation. Whatever the change your strategy requires, our consultants can thematically design workshops into a programme of change and run them for specific segments of your organisation - for leaders, managers and specialist teams.

How workshops & programmes can
help your organisation

Planning and driving change and developing new skills and mindsets

Our workshops and programmes of work empower organisations to‘Our workshops empower organisations to identify gaps, collectively devise strategies, approaches, and develop skills and mindsets that establish and deliver new strategies, tactics and outcomes.
Solution building with senior leadership
Unpack assessments and surveys to identify the change required, be it in skills, attitudes and culture
Reflection & planning with managers & team leaders
Understand survey and assessment results, develop insights from personality assessments and team feedback, and co-develop practical change implementation plans
Skills training across the organisation
Run targeted skills development workshops with subject matter experts. For example, leadership training, manager effectiveness, sales training,etc.

Our workshops & programmes

Strategy and culture programme

For senior leadership  

For leaders with a focus on aligning cultural aspirations with business strategy for better organisational outcomes. It is best adopted after our cultural assessment.

A programme of workshops explores leaders’ collective aspirations to establish a set of agreed behaviours, routines and practices that equip them to operate more effectively and create the starting point for cultural change.’ Change button to link to culture solution page.

Leadership Effectiveness
Asian young adults collaborating in a cheerful workplace during a team-building class at a boardroom or home office.
Boss discussing job interview with businesswoman applicant at a table.

Leadership team effectiveness programme

For mid and senior level leadership teams

Leadership team effectiveness programmes are designed to help develop high performance in leadership and management teams. They focus on understanding the outcomes and behaviours necessary for high performance within the team and develop and embed appropriate behaviours and routines to achieve them. These workshops are often informed by 180/360 assessments and involve frequent check-ins to observe the team in actions and support it’s achievement of high performance.

Leadership Effectiveness

Manager effectiveness

For all managers 

Manager effectiveness programmes are designed to help people leaders develop the skills and behaviours that will lead to their ongoing success. The need arises as organisational strategy evolves, new structures are implemented, to reflect the organisation’s aspired culture, and to ensure they lead their teams to higher levels of performance and engagement. These workshops are often informed by 360, 180 manager self-assessments that measure performance, feedback, recognition, psychological safety, career and development.

Manager Effectiveness
Multigenerational team collaborates on project, discussing work plan and brainstorming at corporate briefing.


"James played a critical role in refining our ideas, developed multiple practical outcomes, and delivered consistently to a high standard. Feedback on James from our senior team was that he was engaging and provided perspectives and solutions that met our needs. Rutherford HRs work contributed to us accelerating the integration and collaboration of our people."
HRD, Property
Michelle thumbnail
In 2022, we were exploring ways to refresh an annually delivered global development program for our junior talent. James proposed a new idea to partner with a third-party organisation he worked with (Excelerate Consulting), which would transform how we deliver the program by piloting a completely new way of learning fundamental skills and capabilities. James project managed the activity and co-delivered key parts of the program with Excelerate. James ensured that the content was fully aligned with all the other major contributors which resulted in a consistent and seamless participant experience. The program was successfully delivered and achieved great results. We received the most positive feedback that we have had for years. It was clear from the energy and connection in the room that the idea, the content, and the delivery all directly hit the mark and resonated with the participants. We had no hesitation in inviting RHR and Excelerate to facilitate the following year. Again, they helped us update the program to reflect changes in our strategy and business and generated enormously positive feedback from the participants for their facilitation skills and business knowledge.”
OD Manager, Investment Bank
Alex thmbnail
"James guided the team through the development process with a clear focus on maximizing the time that we are had together. His preparation and facilitation of the offsite were excellent and he was empathetic to our situation, pragmatic in his ideas and generous with his time and advice. This resulted in our establishment of new vision, the agreement of strategic priorities and the first steps (post Covid) in the re-establishment of a close and aligned team"
MD, Property
Greg thumbnail
“We engaged Rutherford HR to help us develop the sales skills of a group of high potential employees in across the globe. Despite the multiple different views on the best approach, RHR was able to navigate our business model, build highly credible relationships with our senior people and design and deliver an excellent program that has created real value for the participants and our people. James was also very deliberate in working with members of my team, building their capability such that they would be able to lead and deliver it in future years.”
HRD Financial Services
Andrew thumbnail

Let's talk business

Ready to accelerate your journey to sustainable success? Our workshop facilitators and consultants are here to empower you with the tools to help you reach your potential. Get in touch today and let’s start shaping your future.